Komentar :
Abdul Ajay (10/11/2018 02:00)
Yes it is
Sutanto Halim Pranata (07/10/2018 08:46)
Nice place.... And friendly price... For the bread, it comes with reasonable price.... Very nice
nano 2015 (04/10/2018 16:17)
Enak, terjangkau.. trus dpt bonus cake dan roti
Yenti Xu (13/05/2018 02:35)
Pelayanannya ramah
Yohanes J H (24/06/2017 08:24)
Wiyanto Kodrat (04/06/2017 08:59)
Fresh bread competitively priced. Local Indonesian delicacies. Cakes for all celebrations. Nice bright interior. New branch opened on May 20th 2017.
Yohanes .j.h (24/06/2017 08:24)