Komentar :
Ikhrom Irfansyah (07/05/2018 23:06)
A cozy place to hangout with family, great food with a reasonable price
ahmad fauzi (21/04/2018 07:39)
Have parking lot. Delicious dish and unique place.
Hanny Hartantri HH (05/04/2018 05:57)
Indonesian traditional culinary with gebyok built from Java, it felt ethnic ambiance. Food are tasty...there offers "jamu" for health and others beverages.
It precisely on the main street so easy to found with horse statue at front area. Accessible for wheelchair at main entrance. You can seat on the chair or on the floor while you savor the dishes.
Price very affordable. Suitable for lunch with your family with small kids. For infants i thought there are no highchair
Heru Istiyanto (03/03/2018 01:10)
Its a common restaurant, small place, there is parking car in side, enough for ten cars, shaded by wood tree, taste is good...ow, they have lesehan place.... Just try....
Nanang S (11/02/2018 04:57)
It is a good place to have traditional sunda food.
Dewi Kristianti (25/12/2017 07:53)
Cozy.... Recomanded bingitss
Bambang Eko Nugroho (22/10/2017 08:59)
So tasty fried rice offered here. Nice place covered by trees..thumbs up!
Riany Irlanda (03/11/2017 08:36)
Nice restaurant
Chay Shemi (25/07/2017 06:01)
Tempat strategis, nyaman, bersih dan tenang. Parkir lumayan luas, ada mushola. Furniture dan ornamen identik dengan nama restonya, Jati. Pelayanan ramah dengan busana sopan. Gurame bakarnya patut dicoba.
Ibnu Fajr (14/07/2017 12:00)
Nuansa jati yg cukup menenangkan menambah kesan tersendiri saat menyantap hidangan khas Indonesia,dekat dengan pusat keramaian tp tdk terganggu oleh keramaian itu sndri mjdkan tmpt makan ini makin nyaman untuk makan bersama keluarga.
A. Fanar Syukri (01/07/2017 03:46)
tempatnya tenang & nyaman, representatif utk kongkow dg keluarga/kolega. gurame pecak-nya mak nyusss tenan!
Fajar Purwandi (21/06/2017 13:46)
Tempat enak, makanan enak, harga agak mahal sedikit...
Yunan Prawoto (17/06/2017 13:30)
love it
Adit Gee (10/06/2017 09:53)
Rasa asli nusantara
Mohammad Anugrah Putra (24/04/2017 08:43)
Stonner B. Lamantu (06/02/2017 12:19)
Nice place
Ali Sophyan (16/12/2016 09:42)
Indonesia banget makanannya, boleh lah mampir kesini.
Wahidin Teguh Sasongko (11/11/2016 15:01)
Tempat makan
Sofa Abdul Muiin Multazam (16/09/2016 04:35)
Tempatnya nyaman dan klasik. Lahan parkirnya cukup. Makanannya enak
Mohamad Alioncom (23/08/2016 10:02)
Sunda ini lumayan , ga ada lagi mau gimn lagi? Tempat aseek.. parkirnya sedikit
OSB TV (29/08/2016 03:52)
Solusi Otak Terbaik Untuk Anak OSB
Eli Kusmayadi (09/07/2016 01:39)
pake PPN. Pelayanan standar harga premium.