Komentar :
Donald Haromunthe (02/04/2018 22:36)
You need to do it faster when it comes to serve patients. Overall, little but comfortable hospital.
Dyah Yunistina (15/09/2017 09:15)
By far this is the lousiest hospital i ever went to. For a hospital that has almost no crowd (less patients) the overall spent time to get a service done (from check in to payment/check out) is VERY LONG. I had to wait for almost 45 minutes since our arrival just to get my son see the dentist, while the dentist was already there and there was no other patient except my son! The hospital wasn't crowded but very inefficient. So many nurses and staffs hovering around there but instead of rushing to serve patients asap, they just chatting, giggling and did nothing extra to make all the paper administration run faster. I had to wait for another 45 minutes again for the cashier to finish recapitulating my payment and experienced horrible service from one of the admission people.
Yes it provides quite complete services (ie: obgyn, pediatric, internist, GP, dentist, etc) and relatively cheaper compared to nearby hospitals. But with horrible service like this, I will never coming back again.
jon kopi jon (10/07/2017 21:02)
It used to an affordable hospital, but since they upgrade the range services from Mother & Baby hospital to General Hospital, the prices are skyrocket. However loved the hospitality from the staffs. Enforced mostly by young specialist doctors.
Agus Firman (01/03/2017 12:28)
Please improve external lighting and parking
Nur Bhara (16/12/2016 14:23)
Rizki Saputra (31/08/2017 00:20)
Baru ganti nama, semoga lebih baik..
Syamsul Sam (28/07/2017 11:16)
Di IGD Pelayanan ramah, oke. Tapi pas di rawat inap kurang baik. Ada apa-apa Di abaikan.
Biaya rawat inap mahal banget. Apa-apa bayar. Gelang aja bayar.
1 hari habis 1,666 jt an.
Dimas Aninditya (10/07/2017 21:02)
It used to an affordable hospital, but since they upgrade the range services from Mother & Baby hospital to General Hospital, the prices are skyrocket. However loved the hospitality from the staffs. Enforced mostly by young specialist doctors.
Jon Budi Prayogo (03/06/2017 05:21)
Perbaiki pelayanan
Budi Gojek (31/05/2017 10:10)
Bagus pelayanannya
Deyrina Dhona (27/03/2017 03:38)
Siaga , ramah , bagus , untuk BPJS juga tidak ada perbedaan pelayanan . bagus bgd . recommended
kolam ikan taman 089674479407/082114582344 (09/02/2017 11:21)
A_K Furniture Costum & Interior (21/01/2017 11:56)
Cepat dan siaga
Muchamad Husyein (02/12/2016 15:32)
Hanya lewat bro
doannk cahyadi (12/10/2015 03:02)
Lumayan... Lumayan lama banget nungguin dokternya.. wkwkwk katanya jam 08:00 sekarang jam 10:00... Masih dijalan kata perawatnya si dokter... wkwwk lumayan BT dah.. ahaha
Abdul Haris (19/07/2016 07:06)
Terima debit BCA
Pandu Pradana (01/06/2016 12:54)
Kamar VIP jam besuknya bebas
Ahmad Baihaki Gege (19/12/2015 19:49)
Masih adakah operasi katarak gratis buat yg tidak mampu?
Dharma Marhen (28/11/2015 02:51)
Sepi banget,tali pas adek saya perlu dijahit disini cepet penangannanya
Echa Okthoo (18/11/2013 18:07)
dnes mlmmm