Komentar :
Jaisy Symuri (29/05/2018 02:28)
Jalan menuju ke sana cuma satu arah
A Husin (24/04/2018 03:32)
near from big road, easy to access
BINUS CASE CENTER (19/04/2018 04:28)
dita putri (27/03/2018 11:21)
Small but not cozy
Ahmad Baihaqi (01/03/2018 03:13)
The correct pleace to get bus ticket
anturangga Tantra (22/10/2017 11:02)
It's bus pool. I can't find a helicopter there
Andreas Prautama (24/06/2017 16:57)
Best place, they have a new bus this ied mubarak
candra wardhana (07/02/2017 23:23)
Near big road n easy to catch it n there is small resto for waiting passanger.
Mefi Yusta (20/09/2017 14:04)
Neat and near
Benidektus Suma Atmaja (27/08/2017 10:32)
Nearest place to wait bus
Roelie Ramdhan (24/05/2017 06:28)
dewo hadi (29/04/2017 11:24)
Good servis
Sugeng Riyanto (17/04/2017 13:55)
It has width road
Sofan Hadi (13/04/2017 14:31)
Pool inter-provincial inter-city buses, especially for the purpose of the cities in Central Java, like Solo, Klaten, Jogja, etc. From business to VIP class.
tri yanto (08/02/2017 02:26)
Sehubungan di tutup nya terminal bayangan di pondok pinang ( bekas pom bensin ),ini lah pool rosalia terdekat. bagi anda yang mau mudik ke daerah jawa tengah atau jawa timur bisa datang ke pool ini. semoga membantu
Nur Bhara (29/12/2016 18:10)
bambang Adhi (13/12/2016 17:21)
Perlu info lebih detail fasilitas bus sesuai gol /type tarif. Sukses bos!
Helmi Sutanto (24/05/2016 12:37)
I Like This Bus....Because I'm Rosalia Indah Mania
ronnie sugiarso (27/08/2016 03:53)
Custumer service ditelpon susah..ngak diangkat..
Yulius Caesar (30/04/2016 01:13)
saya sangat puas
Fari Indarto (13/02/2016 00:40)
Bagus Banget
triman dJapra (17/12/2015 05:15)
Pelayanan dilayani dengan ramah