Komentar :
Didit Dewantoro (24/05/2018 17:37)
Harap berhati"aja..
news ww44 (23/05/2018 14:07)
Mimung Karjo (30/03/2018 10:29)
Christian Andrian (28/03/2018 03:47)
Good service
mukhlis madjid (26/02/2018 20:16)
Come here if you want to replace your motorcycle tyres. It offers wide selection designer tyres with popular brand and you can find the best bargain here.
This workshop not only sold tyres but also engine oil.
The complete workshop is combined with store and having well trained staff.
Fahrul Firdaus (02/07/2017 03:07)
Pelayanan ok
Mario Tamsil (04/11/2016 05:36)
ganti oli ... eh di sediain kopi, mantapzzzz lah ...
tapsiri alibachtiar (26/10/2017 07:50)
Pelayanan yg cepat, ramah dan bersahabat