Komentar :
hans christian (15/01/2017 23:40)
The product more expensive than the other place
Eko Setyo (09/01/2017 09:12)
recommended seller for Daikin and Panasonic Air Conditioner.
quick responses and good services ...
Haris Efendi (29/11/2016 14:48)
Air conditioner store, fast service, thanks for your service
wawan setiyono (23/08/2016 06:59)
Service Exelent
Samuel Lumentut (23/06/2016 05:47)
Best place to buy Daikin and Panasonic aircon. They provide unbeatable price and service for both Daikin and Panasonic product. Come to the shop or visit their website. The owner is super friendly and have vast knowledge of aircon
Annabella Ong (02/08/2015 13:54)
I can't recommend Pak Samuel & his team enough! I'm an expat who just recently moved to Jakarta and had a completely unfurnished house to deal with. Without any understanding of the local language or knowledge on where to purchase reliable electronics, I turned to Google and found National Elektronik. I sent in an enquiry and Pak Samuel replied promptly with a comprehensive outline of his recommendations for my house. He wisely suggested to me models which helped me save money on electricity while ensuring that I do not over stretch my house's power. His people installed the air-conditioning units efficiently and professionally with minimal fuss and dust. When I had issues with electricity, his team came down to help me fix it without any additional surcharge (even though my house is not exactly near the office and honestly it wasn't his team's fault). His units are value for money, he gives great and prompt advice and his team is professional and efficient. I can't thank you enough Pak Samuel and team!
stephen lenggano (18/08/2016 03:42)
Emang mantap abis nih servicenya National Elektronik,
Sebulan lalu beli AC disana buat gantiin AC kamar yang mulai uzur, tadinya nyari AC low watt biasa karena dengar2 AC inverter ga awet... NAMUN setelah diberi wejangan oleh masternya inverter (Mr.Samuel-Ownernya langsung) akhirnya ane ambil STKV25NV Daikin Inverter... rasanya beda banget level toko yang ngerti barang sama yang ngga paham barang... semua mitos-mitos yang ane dapet dari toko langganan ane soal AC inverter dipatahin satu-per satu...
Sumpah dari cara jelasinnya enak dan gampang dipahamin, harga bagus dan yang penting pemasangannya rapih... Om Sam juga gak pelit info, dia ngasih taw tips-tips pemasangan AC yang baik, kriteria apa yang suka disepelein toko lain padahal critical terkait umur AC-nya kayak vacuum/tebal pipa/panjang maksimal yang jujur aja baru pernah ane denger... Doi juga ngajarin ane kalau ada teknisi AC yang minta tambah freon, tanya dulu bocornya dimana... ternyata selama ini ane salah kaprah nurutin aja kata teknisi minta tambah-tambah freon padahal ternyata freon itu kaga mungkin abis kalau ga ada bocor (sistemnya tertutup)...
Sampai sekarang AC masih dingin meski disetel 24 derajat Celcius... and guess what, tagihan listrik ane turun seratus ribuan per bulannya...
Kalau ane mau beli AC lagi, pasti referensi pertamanya kesini deh...
Thanks ya...
Sulman Nasruddin (16/08/2016 10:56)
Dari cikande serang ksini pengin beli ac daikin,sudah tercapai,karena jauh jdnya pasang sendiri sesuai arahan pak samuel,..alhmdllh ga ada masalah,soalnya teknisi dsini kebnyakan ga di vacum kl pasang aplgi r32,ga sesuai prosedur,sering kecewa blm nemutteknisi yg terpercaya,trm"s pak samuel.