Komentar :
A Google User (18/05/2018 12:28)
It's very amazing to break fasting here together with others.
Martha Bachtiar (21/04/2018 22:51)
Hundreds of Subuh Jamaah every day
Welly Kurniawan (30/03/2018 08:08)
The mosque design is very friendly...make it easy for moslem people to do praying or even just to have a rest after working
hafiz rahman (26/03/2018 14:02)
Perfect place to pray and stay for resting your tiredness after work.. you can probably browse something cz it's wi-fi area :) "pokoknya terbaek"
Sulhan K (05/02/2018 09:45)
Many people come for Fajr praying to this masjid. Above 7 line every Fajr praying...MasyaaAllah....
KS Muslich (03/01/2018 00:58)
The best masjid.... For me
anton dewantoro (06/12/2017 14:04)
Lovely place, shady and peaceful. I worked on the BTS besides by the way.
abdul kahfi (08/11/2017 04:55)
Rina Fitriana (04/11/2017 15:19)
Cozy place for praying
Robby Ansyarie (02/10/2017 11:53)
Very nice masjid for stopover aftet work
Ditto Ardi (19/08/2017 11:27)
Clean and nice Masjid
fitty fauziah (03/08/2017 14:42)
Clean... love this masjid
Iman Ondang (15/06/2017 20:01)
Very peaceful :)
Adam Nugroho (14/06/2017 10:28)
The best mosque i ever came, just sit and pray
Riad Papahnya Bilqis (05/06/2017 12:44)
Good mosque
andiz erastar (10/05/2017 02:38)
It's so Peacefull and Mercy
Lupa Lagi (29/03/2017 01:47)
center of dakwah for serpong area and its surrouding
kaia hati (12/01/2017 04:41)
Nur Bhara (24/12/2016 15:24)
Iskandar Abu Dzikra (17/12/2016 21:56)
Masjid full jamaah,tempat indah terbuka,tempat wudhu dan WC sangat bagus,tempat parkir memadai,kajian talimnya sangat baik pasilitas2 lainnya sangat baik...
imam fauzi ashari (20/11/2016 06:40)
Pasword wifinya apaan ?
Dimas Pribadi (08/09/2016 16:44)
3 minggu yang lalu saya pernah ke masjid ini dalam rangka bersilahturahmi dengan banyak orang dan berbeda beda kota .. Sempat 3 hari saya tidur di dalam masjid ini . mengamati dan mengikuti adab adab yg sudah di tentukan.
Nanda Nurwantoro (07/07/2016 18:08)
Masjidnya bersih dan nyaman,
yusuf rahmat (05/07/2016 18:25)
Nyaman untuk ibadah
Mas Adi Nugraha (19/06/2016 11:19)
Masjidnya cukup luas, kamar mandi bersih. 👍
T. A. Sanusiputra (11/06/2016 16:43)
MaasyaAllah tabarakallah.
Masjid yang bagus, tertib, teratur...
Aldhika Saputra (03/05/2016 03:51)
Tempat ibadah...
Bambang Sudiyono (02/03/2016 01:16)
Masjid Bagus parkiran terbatas.