Komentar :
abigail Novia (20/04/2018 14:13)
The best place to eat sundanese food
Apri Yono (24/02/2018 15:40)
Good food,good place,good price...
Nur Asiah (10/02/2018 21:54)
It could be cheaper if you order the package they offer. But it would feel a bit expensive if you dine alone.
Adin Mulya (06/02/2018 05:58)
Bad experience in here.
Lunch too expensive more than taste very plain.
About payment :
And before arrive in restaurant payment i was calling can accept visa..but actually cannot use visa.
eko andri (02/12/2017 02:08)
Great place to have traditional Sunda meals. Delicious, price is moderate. Enough parking lot. Placed on the main street that makes it easy to spot...
dwi astuti (06/11/2017 03:56)
Nice place and delicious food, price is moderate
Singgih Hendrawan (13/11/2017 23:56)
Taste ok, place confortable and clean
Fajri Dwi Nugroho (02/11/2017 00:53)
Nice place to dinner with your family
Agi Triwijaya (15/10/2017 15:59)
Nice traditional food from west java
Lisa Azizah Subagiyo (24/09/2017 03:54)
The taste is so so, comoare with the taa and service is really expensive and the service is really bad also the staff really have bad service . The place also really crowded at the weekend and they don't have air conditioning so its really hot. I'm sure will not come again.
Pasca S Handiman (08/07/2017 05:46)
The food is really good!
Rangga Adi Negara (16/06/2017 05:13)
Good place to eat sundaneese culinary
lucky arief (12/06/2017 08:50)
Good taste
Jerome Jusung (03/06/2017 06:59)
Good place, good food and relatively good price..
Ferdias Ramadoni (18/04/2017 13:35)
sambel terasinya maknyuss, sayur asemnya juga seger banget... gak malu ngajak tamu dari luar negeri makan di sini
Dwi Oktariyadi (17/04/2017 16:50)
The location at central city of Depok Jl. Margonda Raya. The price is standard not to expensive but the taste is not really special and unique as sundanesse foods.
Mayang Putri Gusmara (10/04/2017 08:16)
Good food
Fitri Purnama Sari (22/02/2017 17:10)
Its foods are expensive but it serves tasty foods.
Bunda 2bddari (24/01/2017 12:23)
Jumat mnggu lalu dg 4 org tmn grup GP 2 darkom kmi sengaja pesan tmpat u ktmu bil silaturahim..awalnya suasana biasa az tp kmdian mkin seru stlh masing2 berbagi crta ttg liburan..mknan n mnuman yg d pesanpun d lahap abiz kecuali sop ayam yg sy pesan g habis krn wortel n kmbang kol d dlmny msih keras jd kurang matang tp lainny lmyn enak..u harga bolehlah not too expensive..
erma Dekicx (03/01/2017 19:11)
Tadi siang menjelang sore kita kelaparan sehabis piknik dr Pine forest Gunung Pancar lg nyari" ympt makan ee pd penuh akhirx kita ke Mang Kabayan,wuidih trnyt tempatx wenak kita lesehan aja rame" ada suara gemricik air N ikan" Koi d kolam" dkt kita makan tmbh asyik aja,gurame bakar ngeres sm sambal dadakanx wuidih endesss buanget rekoman bgt dech...jd pengen lagi 😍😙
Sugeng Widyarso (17/06/2016 08:01)
Very attractive Sundanese foods available there
Dissi Kaydee (29/05/2016 06:52)
Quite expensive compare to other Sundanese restaurants. But nice food and environment though. There are some playground for children.
Muhamad Iqbal Fadilah (07/09/2016 06:12)
Tempat yang ramai dikunjungi dan lokasinya sangat strategis dikawasan margonda. Tempat ini sangat cocok untuk makan bersama teman atau keluarga, ada banyak pilihan makanan khas sunda yang enak-enak. Parkiran didepannya cukup luas untuk parkir kendaraan pengunjung.
Sainul Hermawan (19/08/2016 08:47)
Sop ikan kakapnya belum ada bandingannya. Apalagi es kopyornya yang segar. Ada arena bermain anak-anak dan juga ada musholla.