Komentar :
Septa Inigopatria (24/05/2018 08:46)
This used to be called Lanang Barbershop, but now it's called Lucky Laki. The barbers here are friendly, but they're not really update with the latest techniques. I'm not asking much, because many other local barbers are quite savvy and knows about fading techniques from instagram. Come here for a safe and conservative cut. Otherwise bring a photo to show them what kind of cut you want.
Bonifasius Marvin (24/03/2018 13:06)
Usual place to get haircut
Lidya Winarsih (19/03/2018 08:44)
Priyambudi R.S. (06/01/2018 09:08)
Good cut good price. Need to improve tidyness.
Boby Rustandar (28/11/2017 08:49)
Quite cheap and neat place to cut your hair
Albert Cendikiawan (05/06/2017 00:28)
Good place
Indra Jantana (02/03/2017 12:52)
Harus lebih komunikatif dan faham karakter rambut yg di cukur
Okta Saputra (20/01/2017 02:36)
Lokasi strategis, potongan rambut sangat rapi, dan harga terjangkau
Noval Juniardi (17/12/2016 02:28)
Tempat cukur rambut langganan, selain lokasinya yang dekat sekali dengan kantor tempat saya bekerja, hasil cukurannya pun bagus.