Komentar :
Rianto Dvd (22/05/2019 14:05)
service excelence
Adi Sasmita (24/12/2018 23:47)
Not bad for a cleaning ur vehicle
Pgz Zarwono (25/06/2018 14:21)
Favorite place for wash my car
Anais Anais (14/09/2017 08:59)
I got this one guy who always washes my car with his full effort, affordable yet good service
Muhammad Iqbal Tanjung (12/06/2017 02:10)
I think in this place, they are confused between waxing and polishing. When i ask to wax my bike, they used polishing compound.
Ikko Maru (22/05/2018 06:44)
Open 24 hours...
Setiawan Tiadatara (02/04/2018 23:19)
suharno hadiningrat (03/01/2018 14:39)
Silvia Widyasari (29/12/2017 05:09)
Good service
asih rere (07/11/2017 03:22)
Bersih dan cepat
Heru Prasongko (10/08/2017 05:24)
Clean and fast
Rizki Riza Muttaqin (07/08/2017 07:38)
Cuci + vacuum + semir ban hanya 25ribu. Worth the money! Antrian nya juga cepat karena pekerjanya banyak. Buka 24 jam is a plus.
Fabrizio Tanjung (05/08/2017 12:05)
Cucian bersih.. Like it.. (y)
Khais Raihan (17/07/2017 01:16)
Ahmad Hafidz (23/05/2017 12:45)
Cepet nyucinya..
dolly shaka (09/05/2017 08:50)
murah nih, cuma 25 ribu udah cuci+vacum+semir ban
Gita Buana (17/03/2017 12:56)
Super Saiyan (19/02/2017 13:43)
Tempatnya enak...
Timothy Sulastyo (19/06/2016 10:46)
Cuci berkualitas dengan harga ekonomis