Komentar :
Club Indofood (15/04/2018 10:50)
Blue_ Eyes231 (29/08/2017 23:42)
The Best Animation School in Jakarta
Yuli Wahyono (20/02/2017 03:09)
One of the best school of visual communication!
Octosa Ryan (14/02/2017 04:51)
Pernah liat short movie nya Adhyatmika, klo g salah sih Democracy is Yet to Learn dalam lomba Democracy Video Challenge katanya alumnus ids, pretty cool
yetin mariani (07/02/2017 03:19)
Masa pendidikan selama 18 bulan, fast track to be creativepreuneur
saputri nurmalasari (25/01/2017 02:11)
sekolah film ini keren loh, if you interested in film school, IDS highly recommended :))
aiq farid (20/06/2017 14:57)
D best
ayu satiarini (24/02/2017 03:42)
The best design school nih.. disini ga cuman bisa ambil buat kuliah, tapi bisa buat kursus design selama liburan doang..hehehe
Agus Riyadi Suwardi (24/02/2017 03:05)
Wah iyaaa tuh , aku juga pernah liat film itu. Ternyata ada cara pebuatan filmya juga di channel youtubenya nih https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaRdQ9HbPmw . Jadi tau cara buat film ternyata seru jugaa yaaa
Komala Hadi (23/02/2017 02:05)
Saya kemarin liat film Menembus Waktu di youtube ternyata pas disearch digoogle adalah International Design School Jakarta, Nice Movie!! Gasabar sama Lanjutannnya hehehe
Darmayuna IDS (15/11/2016 07:03)
Fast track to be a Creative Leader..
Gilang Biantara (29/07/2016 06:51)
Muhammad Arif Rofiudin (02/06/2016 16:21)
Baru tau ada kampus desain disini
Adez Aulia (07/03/2014 14:14)
Kalau mau belajar Desain, Animasi dan film yg IDS | International Design School yg saya rekomendasikan
RaMa Raditya (03/02/2014 13:10)
Imam Mahmudi (09/04/2013 07:35)
where creativepreneurs are born :D
A Google User (16/11/2011 12:27)