Komentar :
Cleopatra Xenacha (07/04/2018 07:54)
I've been living here for this past three years. Many new experiences i got. This school only require the best quality teacher from various district also this school have some foreign teacher to teach the student in the class and the dormitory. So the students never being alone them selves in this school since so many good teacher will accompany them in educating or relaxing time (from open the eyes in early morning and late night). Of course, only the best student who want to be independent, have a strong heart, smart, religious, can attend here.
Muhammad Farhan (06/08/2017 09:34)
This is so far, the most beautiful school in Tangerang.
Muhammad Dahliar (20/07/2016 03:43)
susan al abiyyu (09/01/2016 05:11)
Awesome islamic boarding school
Riska Amelia (13/01/2015 00:53)
ICM Education Fair 2015 will be held on 31 Januari 2015. University representatives, Future University Students are welcome here.
Come join us!
Kang Ruli (23/04/2014 16:27)
The best boarding school ever had
Kiki Latranita (21/10/2016 02:24)
Faisal Rahman (25/05/2016 10:39)
Nice school
Rachmat Suharjo (26/08/2016 01:15)
Model pesantren modern, ada asrama nya..
Bambang Eko Nugroho (29/05/2016 09:08)
Great view!!!
Muh Djusuf (19/06/2014 04:00)
Salah Info info nih... sepengetahuan saya alamat yg sesuai GMaps ini bukanlah Sekolah Insan Cendikia Madani... Tapi Sekolah SMA "INSAN CENDIKIA" (tanpa Madani).
Karna jujur 1bln lalu saat mengantar anak saya ujian masuk SMP Insan Cendikia Madani. Bukan alamat ini yg dimaksud sesuai peta. Mohon pemilik Website sekolah ICM bs segera memperbaiki kesalahan informasi tsb. Tks
M. Ari Mukhlason (09/07/2013 23:46)
Ini SMA ku