Komentar :
Cahyadi trans (28/01/2018 02:30)
Parkir susah buat mobil elp.
PutuDediAr 2277 (21/11/2016 08:52)
Really cool place for hunting and buying clothes, especially for a non formal dresses such as jeans, t-shirts, and other in-mode fashions. Low and medium prices make your shopping experience better
Dolly Sitio (29/09/2016 05:43)
Putri Cantika (29/07/2016 23:07)
Low price
Aria Dhika Rayendra (24/09/2015 03:21)
An ok place to buy clothes
Indra Purnama (08/02/2017 09:26)
Murah...dan puas..apalagi cafe Allure mmmm...hauce bgt....
Ahmad Driver (19/06/2016 01:12)
Rere Rayendra (24/09/2015 03:21)
An ok place to buy clothes