Komentar :
Michael Chai (24/05/2018 12:49)
Get your stationery and favorite novel here
Doko Subagyo (11/05/2018 01:54)
many kind of books sell in this place. i like the diversity. hope many customers like to buys in this store because of the varieties
Billy Anthony Tohar (18/04/2018 02:31)
The biggest bookstore chain in Indonesia, and for a reason. The number of books are amazing from childrens books, to comics, to biography. And it also sells other stuff from computer mouse and keyboard, music instruments, arts and crafts tools.
Tiara Septi (10/04/2018 15:20)
Aditya Budi (28/03/2018 10:04)
Kumpulan novelnya komplit saya puas
Salman Alfarizi (31/10/2017 12:17)
Big place, full of books and things (sport equipments, musical instruments, stationary).
Ratri Kartika (26/08/2017 12:37)
Huge but it should've called as stationary and book store
Anti Racizm (12/05/2017 12:13)
Nice place
Aris Nugroho Pranoto (28/03/2017 00:56)
Big store
Sandra Santika (02/09/2017 14:12)
Lumayan mahal
zoel kifli (06/05/2017 07:40)
Koleksi bukunya tidak begitu banyak. Lebih banyak stationery
novilline wong (14/02/2017 10:03)
Counter Wellcomm, yang ada di dalam Gramedia. Pelayanan Ramah, Banyak promo, Bergaransi. puas berbelanja di Wellcomm
KOMPAS TV (01/06/2016 12:42)
Gramedia Toko Buku. Supermall Karawci, Jl.Boulevard Diponegoro No.105, Curug, Desa Bencongan, Tangerang-Indonesia.