Komentar :
Uun Khoirunnisa (04/04/2018 05:26)
Jam 3 pagi daftar via sms gateway, jam 8 daftar ulang, nunggu sampe jam 11 karna katanya dokter dateng siang. Jam 11.15 dipanggil ternyata dikasih tau kalo hari ini dokter gak dateng karna sakit. Duh, bu dok bisa kali ya info gk datengnya pagi2 atau malem sebelum. Biar kita pasien gak mesti nunggu lama dan di php 😞
Cahaya Opie (15/01/2018 06:27)
Ryan Grevan (15/10/2017 21:34)
Indah Pertiwi (17/07/2017 20:25)
Parlin Pakpahan (01/03/2017 16:11)
RSUD Depok
RSUD Depok is a hospital in auspices Depok city government. Located in the suburbs Depok, Sawangan area.
Access to the hospital was fairly easy. The need now is the improvement of hospital facilities, as well as the doctor on duty.
These hospitals also serve the facility for holders of public health insurance. Which kept the wedge until now is the traffic jams to get there and a long service needs to be shortened and these all need special research for development.
Nur Bhara (26/01/2017 03:02)
FX Budi Widyatmoko (20/12/2016 14:45)
Should be patient when queuieng. To many patients to come eapecially using BPJS card, but I knew down deep from my hard, they try their best to help you.
Sari Halilintar (09/01/2017 11:12)
Gb Jkt (31/12/2016 20:40)
Dewa Anggara (06/09/2016 17:40)
Perlu banyak perbaikan disegala sektor.
AyuNk Syah (29/05/2016 17:01)
Servqual kurang
hasan basrie (02/03/2016 04:58)
Jago nguantriiii, panas & kumuh
Teuku Mifdhal Fadhly (22/03/2015 14:52)
Kumuh untuk ukuran Rumah Sakit...sepertinya prmkot depok wahib membenahi RSUD ini agar menuju nasional class hospital dulu aja
Candy Man (27/09/2014 05:31)