Komentar :
1 Nr (09/11/2020 18:13)
Not getting better the service, instead, the teller 1 hour who is called is only 2 queues no, they are busy serving those who don't use queues ,, the solution should be 1 queue teller 1 not using queues, it's just as good, waiting, if it's in the past those with no queues with any reason from CS, blah, blah, blah, we are also waiting at the teller but not being called
Kurni Awan (27/10/2020 00:56)
The work is for BNI people, only to work on people, please, come from the morning, security, instead playing the cellphone inside, people ask it to be difficult, not rich in security at Mandiri / BCA,
Ambush ????????????
Mei Khadiroh (05/10/2020 08:29)
If in a pandemic condition the BNI branch opens at 9 then it is too risky and lazy, because of the need for people to report or deposit money and so on, it becomes annoyed because when the morning the queue is full and the time limit is limited.
henricus ananto (07/07/2020 01:27)
Hari selasa 7 Juli 2020 jam 08:18, BELUM BUKA. Ini yang namanya pelayanan jasa??
CS proses kerja lama, buka telat, jaman sekarang jgn LETOY..!
Herimedia23 (03/07/2020 10:44)
Pelayanan CS cukup lama.., antrean pengunjung panjang... seharusnya SATU evaluasi terkait berapa lama melayani 1 nasabah (maksimal 20 menit, hindari bicara ngalor-ngidul), kemudian KEDUA jika jumlah pengunjung cukup banyak harap ditambah Petugas CS nya. Disana ada 4 meja tapi istirahat gantian. . . . Karena kasihan, jika nasabah yang antree ibu2/bpk2 yang berumur, KETIGA Mohon dibuat bangku prioritas buat ibu hamil/ lansia.....semoga pelayanan semakin di tingkatkan
Sarina Mansur (03/07/2020 01:51)
Buka nya jam berapa ini ? Udah jam 8:50 masih tutup... ????Mana antrian panjang banget lagi.... Kasian woiii
Imam Hadi Luthfi (15/09/2018 04:14)
not bad
Zaky Djauzie (06/06/2017 22:06)
fast respond, and really comfort. the place is huge so there is no problem if it crowded, btw i really love mba cindy. how are you mba cindy? i really missed you :(
Indrawan Saputra (17/02/2018 01:02)
Bank BNI Kantor Cabang Pembantu Pamulang :)
Bersebelahan dengan Bank BCA
Samsul Hani (10/02/2018 10:29)
Pelayanan cepat dan sangat memuaskan :)
Ega Dian Pratama (29/09/2017 02:46)
Nomor call centernya berapa ya? Untuk cabang pamulang
Amien Khalid A (23/07/2017 04:32)
nice place with happy service