Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Vastenburg Fortress

Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Klasifikasi: Area Publik
Alamat: Kedung Lumbu, Pasarkliwon, Kedung Lumbu, Ps. Kliwon, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57133, Indonesia
Rating: 4.30
Telp: +62 271 716501
Jam Operasional:
Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

Komentar :

Evryta Christianti (17/05/2018 07:07)
Green and a little bit sultry because I was there at 12 pm.

Natasha Enid (12/05/2018 12:33)
This is a fortress built by the first president of Indonesia, right 2 months after its independence. It now become a place for events. Sadly, it's not been maintained well. There are some walls inside that is not in a good condition anymore. Nevertheless, it is a witness of Indonesian's effort in defending their country.

GT JOGJA 159 (12/05/2018 06:18)
Mata Najwa On Stage Solo
May on 11-12, 2018
Preparation since May on 7, 2018.

Salam :

Evy Hernyta Panggabean (28/04/2018 07:44)
A good place to know Indonesian history. Place is clean, quiet and relaxing. But the library computer system need some upgrading

Tio Ceresta (05/04/2018 02:40)
Salah satu situs sejarah di kota Solo, peninggalan dari jaman kolonial Belanda.
Biasa dipakai untuk event pertunjukan kesenian, konser, pameran, dan lain sebagainya.

mustika sudiro (27/03/2018 08:07)
Very historical place in Surakarta. You can learn historical from this building

yoshua sinugroho (06/03/2018 12:53)
aged by time, barely survive from generations and scandal. An colonial-age building which has been a testament to many history of the surakatans.

Since i was a child, never i have seen the building in such intended glory.
During my yearly visit to my grandmother house, i have always wondered what lies beyond the grass field hidden from the view surrounded by tin fences. It always looks so dreadful, abandoned and grave.
It has changed since the government has claimed it as a public place and protected by law as cultural preservation.
Slowly renovation shed the building from its rust. And now place it into something that people keeps in their hearts. the

Sena Aoi (30/01/2018 11:45)
Its quite a historical place.and it will be more beautiful if the government make it to be something historical yet modern

Bella Zadithya (08/10/2017 14:33)
After the renovation of fortress' west side, the place became interesting and cool! Various events often be held in this place. Great for taking photo.

Wahyu Setyawan (27/10/2017 00:45)
Historical legacy. Phisically renovated. Lots of event held in this place.

Bellawati Dityasari (08/10/2017 14:33)
After the renovation of fortress' west side, the place became interesting and cool! Various events often be held in this place. Great for taking photo.

Gusti Ayu Sari Dwi Sarworini (15/09/2017 14:02)
This is a history place. It is the first time I entered. So large and big. Wonderful of ornamental and I very satisfied for this event. Kreasso

Hanna Chalista Devi (12/09/2017 03:59)
It's a great place to hold a big event here. This place also historical and you could take some stunning photos here

AG (14/07/2017 08:50)
It is one of the classic fortress that quite well maintained. Unfortunately, the gate is not open everyday and it makes us hard to know the inside of the building by ourself. Actually, the parking lots is big and can accomodate an event with huge stage.

Nandaa Adriyanii (04/07/2017 07:19)
little dissapointed cause i went there when close time.But i can take some pic in front of the old build

Ivan Patra (28/06/2017 15:39)
Nice place, usually used by EO to make an event

Oky Aye (28/06/2017 15:18)
historical place in solo for more than past hundred years of dutch colonialism in indonesia, some event has been held here, need restoration to sharpen epic story. strategic location near post office, central bank, mayor office, shopping center and kasunanan kraton a historical kingdom castle of solo

nur yuliani (04/06/2017 05:17)
Historical place, good for public venues. But it doesn't open everyday

Ade J Yohadi (02/04/2017 13:41)
Close due under construction

Aldert Berends (16/12/2016 04:04)
Not much to see here. Can't enter as goats keeping the lawn mowed inside.

Rendra Budi Hutama (23/08/2016 06:36)
Had different fate with it's twin, Vredeburg fort in Jogja. This fort sadly seems abandoned and creepy. Moreover, there are many seller shops closed the fort wall if you see it from M. Sunaryo street.

Kamerad Edmond (22/08/2016 13:45)
Instagramable, great location for black metal band photoshot, spooky atmosphere.

Rofik Ahmad (20/08/2016 11:52)
Good place

Sangwang Amarapati (13/02/2016 09:39)
Unique design, romantic place actually, unfortunately this place isn't open for public (only on special events)

Ardian Nugroho (25/05/2016 03:32)
I wish I could enter it

Khosyi Adam (02/03/2016 06:52)
peninggalan sejarah

IRSYAD SASTROSUHARDJO (14/09/2015 00:33)

Tempat Lainnya :

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    Jalan Untung Suropati, Kedung Lumbu, Ps. Kliwon, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57144, Indonesia
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    Pagelaran Sasana Sumewa, Jl. Dr. Radjiman, Ps. Kliwon,, Gajahan, Ps. Kliwon, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57155, Indonesia
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