Komentar :
Rudy Samuel (25/07/2020 06:18)
Everything for handphone and its accessories. I suggest you to decide what handphone type you want to buy first before go to this place, or you will be confused with so many types and choices, and offers wkwkwk...
maverick m4a1 (24/07/2020 02:50)
Accessories, handphone, service center, clothing, food court, antique, etc
muhamad fajar syaifudin (11/06/2020 11:46)
Defdan counteer... Ok
Gigih Adi Prakoso (15/03/2020 05:32)
I never buy a cell phone here, but i always buy shirt or maybe jeans and shoes here, my mother took me here since when i was a child. That is why, i always looking for shirt etc here..
Setia Utaminingtyas (09/03/2020 13:25)
If you want to look for a handphone and its accessories, you should go to singosaren!!
syarif hussein (30/12/2019 10:36)
Best Place for buy some phone.. new and second with food price
katia aini (22/12/2019 07:52)
Cheaper price but crowded just like market!
Budy Wuysang (11/12/2019 11:18)
Mostly cellular phones & gadgets. Like Jakarta ITC Roxy Mas.
Dimas Argo (10/12/2019 10:48)
If you want to find gadget especially mobile phone you can come here.
fatah majid (23/09/2019 02:23)
A lot of phone shop here but it's a little bit crowded and small for a marketplace
Teguh Widiyanto (10/06/2019 07:21)
Everything is almost fine, but the toilets, so dirty with bad smell...
Erlina Papudi (09/06/2019 13:00)
Good enough for shopping and sightseeing in the city center ðŸ‘
Pongky Hananta (09/06/2019 04:56)
If you wanna buy/sell cellphone, you are in the right place.
So many kind of shop selling cellphone
abigael 9.1 (25/05/2019 07:18)
u know la
viviie vidya (24/05/2019 07:02)
hmmm...no comment....😑😑😑
Syahdan Nusabelani (23/05/2019 08:12)
Its a traditional market transform to shopping mall
E Media (01/05/2019 03:37)
Pre-owned or new Smartphonewith many brands are avalaible
Andi Bier (22/11/2018 08:20)
Was the best shopping place in town. *Old times memories*
Luqia intan farikha (25/12/2018 11:42)
Waah kalo cari baju /sepatu/sandal disini maah capeeek, karena banyak pilihannyaa dan banyak diskon nya, kalau beli hape atau lainnya blm oernah hehe
ruci cempaka (18/12/2018 08:48)
Mal legend
samuel widi (30/11/2018 16:55)
Bandono B (06/11/2018 13:07)
Luluk D Firda (02/05/2018 01:02)
Terkenal sebagai tempat perbelanjaan gadget dan perlengkapannya. Meskipun sebenarnya, di dalamnya juga terdapat departement store dan gerai pakaian maupun makanan. Harga yang ditawarkan terbilang cukup murah. Suasana di dalamnya tidak terlalu ramai, namun lahan parkir yang tidak terlalu luas, membuat parkiran kendaraan meluber ke jalanan.
Dhonald Johannes (21/04/2018 13:28)
Eko Syah (20/04/2018 10:26)
Salah satu pusat perbelanjaan di kota Solo. Menjadi salah satu tujuan bagi warga Kota Solo untuk mencari berbagai macam kebutuhan mulai dari kebutuhan-kebutuhan primer sampai hal-hal yang sifatnya sekunder. Mulai dari kebutuhan sehari-hari sampai produk-produk elektronik terbaru. Tidak ketinggalan pula berbagai macam jenis fashion yang selalu up to date
Andika Hermawan (19/04/2018 16:51)
Salah satu pusat perbelanjaan tertua di Kota Surakarta. Biasanya masyarakat datang ke sini untuk belanja ke Matahari atau membeli keperluan gadget khususnya ponsel. Mall ini hampir selalu padat dikunjungi setiap harinya. Parkir motor mudah, hanya saja untuk parkir mobil agak susah. Harus parkir di pinggir ruas jalan yang sengaja untuk lahan parkir roda empat. Lokasinya strategis, berada di pusat perbelanjaan dan salah satu area kegiatan perekonomian di Kota Surakarta
Nirmana Adhelia (24/06/2017 23:50)
If you need new or second-hand cellphones and its accessories just come here, you also can buy clothes in the second floor on department store