Komentar :
awan sandy nugroho (16/08/2020 01:13)
As much as possible, don't take this bus ... Poor service .. The time is long overdue .. Wes give up .. Will not take this bus again .. Maybe if there is a score below zero, I will give a score below zero ...
Istiqomah Aprilia (30/01/2020 04:30)
Tempat beli tiketnya dsni
Nuril Sutrisno (12/09/2019 12:34)
Didalam terminal bungurasih
Eko Suryanto (17/05/2019 05:01)
Nyaman dn bersih
Andi Widjaja (20/03/2019 00:36)
Penuh kutu busuk, bau pesing, ugal2an ๐ข. Not again.
Andri Andri (13/03/2019 14:22)
Tanya haraga tiket
้ซๆขจๆดๆจน (06/05/2014 06:42)
The road is very crowded around the bus terminal.
My taxi was stacked in the jam for about 20 min.
eko santo (16/11/2018 18:46)
bisa pulang kampung, matur suwun
Dinul Alamin (27/06/2018 05:53)
nmr WA adaa
Arianto Aji (06/05/2018 14:42)
Ella Putri (25/04/2018 03:32)
Agen tiket bus
Pay Story (01/07/2017 05:57)