Komentar :
kenzo. net (01/10/2018 08:39)
Yohan Hotana (11/08/2018 03:03)
Good place and nice service
Jan Kapitan (15/06/2018 15:16)
Penjualan perangkat Apple disini sangat membantu customer sehingga mempermudah dalam memutuskan mana yang akan dibeli.
Merghera venezia (07/06/2018 00:17)
Attractive mall
rizki dwi priyanto (02/04/2018 14:52)
Wanna find new gadget, specially for the premium brand of gadget like apple. Infinite is the best place. Not only gadget, you can find the others. Like MacBook, accessories for MacBook, and many others. Come and feel the convenience of shopping..
FedericoKill75 (25/05/2017 05:11)
Is there selling 8 GB of memory (4 × 4) at what price? Please response thanks you
K. Net (01/10/2018 08:39)
Thedi Monandar (07/06/2018 00:17)
Attractive mall
jeffry gunawan (28/05/2018 14:26)
toko nya besar barangnya banyak tapi menurut saya harga kurang bersahabat
Vera Lies Subagio (28/05/2018 08:44)
bie boriel (17/02/2018 17:46)
Pelayanan memuaskan
Merry Hidayanti (18/10/2017 17:42)
Disitu jual ipone 6 yang refurbished???
MASCOT SURABAYA (29/05/2017 06:35)
harga iphone 5s sama iphone SE berapa ya ?
federico indra Adji putra (25/05/2017 05:11)
Disitu ada jual memory 8 GB (4×4) berapa harganya ? Please respon thanks you
Adjie Pramasta (11/10/2017 22:15)
Mohon maaf untuk mengganti baterai iphone 5 apakah bisa?
Amim Amirudin (10/07/2017 11:18)
Maaf mau taxa bisa service icloud...dan berapa biayaxa
bhery prima (11/04/2017 05:01)
Trimakasih Infinite Pakuwon,Pelayananya mantap abizz..