Komentar :
Jan Kapitan (28/05/2018 05:25)
Tokonya bagus. Barang2 nya juga berkelas. Perlu ada promo lagi biar lebih rame. Saat ini rasanya agak sepi.
Sandy Dewanto (01/08/2017 15:25)
I got my 2015 MacBook Pro here while in the other's out of stock. With great service, great price. Lots of cash back and discount. Unfortunately
I had to sacrifice my "unboxing experience" due to product check procedure. But that's fine for me. :)
Grace Syiariel (01/05/2017 08:48)
Sudah 2x ke sini dengan excited waktu datang dan sebel waktu pulang.
Pertama ipad pro apa yg ditawarkan tidak ada, bbrp kali ganti status stock. Pegawai cukup friendly, tp kurang product knowledge dan tidak tanggap untuk customer yg ready untuk membeli. Dibiarkan menunggu entah untuk apa, yg tidak handle client lebih memilih utk membenahi produk di rak nya.
Novi Riyanto (06/04/2017 06:39)
the staff is friendly, and i have good experience
Robby Amrullah (05/04/2017 03:39)
Good service and promotion
Yenly Gozal (08/12/2016 11:30)
The staff are quite friendly, but their products are outdated. While the world has been going on and on about iPhone 7/7+, they're still selling iPhone 6 at quite a high price too.