Komentar :
desi wulandari (19/07/2020 07:09)
I'm making a transaction here via OVO, when I make an OVO payment having trouble, my funds are cut off while the merchant's side is not coming in, but the employee doesn't want to make a claim to OVO, when we offer a solution we ask to transfer again if later the failed money is returned again, think about it! Fair sale! You should make a complaint to OVO not to complicate the customer. Just order here!
Putri Cahyani (04/02/2020 06:02)
Bagus, tapi kadang harganya duatas rata2 sih
Titania Trs (13/09/2018 01:07)
Harga terjangkau, koleksi banyak, pelayanan ramah
Rahmana atika (14/08/2018 04:32)
Harga terjangkau, bahannya ok. Semua ok. Tp tempatnya kurang luas. Kalau belanja desak2an sm customer lain. Jd kurang leluasa milih2 bajunya. Pokoknya semua ciamik. 👌👌👍👍👍