Komentar :
Amir Syarifuddin Jauhari (26/04/2018 17:51)
Strategic place for a school. It's located near a mosque. Many cafe and merchant can easily be found around this area.
Ambar Srie (19/03/2018 01:25)
Best elementary school at the area, hope will always be the best in the future with the good quality from the teacher and the students.
Anjas Marah (28/09/2017 18:42)
Eka aq cinta u
dimasanugrahm dimas (22/05/2015 04:12)
this is my school
ahshsvsv ishdbdkzmdm (12/04/2015 07:37)
Very awesome👍
Bunga Adinda (04/10/2014 12:51)
Alumni 2014
Minus One (06/01/2017 17:33)
Sekolah kawasan berstandar nasional plus. Banyak program ekstra yang melatih siswa lebih mandiri, kreatif dan memiliki daya saing. Come join and learn together
VIOLET RAFASHYA (19/09/2016 10:08)
Itu sekolah ku lho sekarang aku udh kelas 5 masih sekolah di sdn menanggal 601
Abyan Haq06 (12/04/2015 07:37)
Very awesome👍