Komentar :
Devis Karmoy (20/11/2020 14:29)
The rooms are spacious suitable for families. But, there's a lot of damage everywhere and there's no breakfast in this place
Suratno Bisma (05/11/2020 05:06)
This place is comfortable
asnan ali (21/10/2020 10:02)
Friendly spacious rooms and clean again cheap prices
Ade Rezky Munthe (27/06/2020 02:21)
Sorry, here anyone has contact with the guards at the North Sumatra Provincial Government mess or not ??
Syamsu Rizal Lubis (08/06/2018 07:53)
Ayu Nurul (02/06/2018 00:39)
ok lah,dkt dgn rsud nya
Allan All (30/04/2018 15:35)
Sangat bersih kamar nya
ADI Smjtk (12/03/2018 05:38)
Kamarnya luas, bersih, ada AC. Air nya juga bening.
Tapi jendela kaca nakonya macet.
TV nya juga masih model tabung dan kecil. Pintu Lemarinya ada yg copot.
si Jogal na baguer (14/02/2018 01:23)
Bersih dan nyaman
wan zakaria (30/01/2018 04:32)
Air yg lansung bisa diminum Reverse osmosis water kah!?
Jaka Faiz (21/01/2018 06:48)
Tidak ada air panas nya
Ahmad Saleh Nasution (07/09/2017 13:24)
Kamarnya lmyan besar tapi air kamar mandi krang lancar mengalir.
Muhammad Amanullah (20/07/2017 11:03)