Komentar :
Amirotul Choiriah (01/07/2019 15:25)
Rumah sakitnya bagus, besar pelayanannya ramah, alatnya legkap tempatnya juga bersih. Administrasinya juga cepet jadi nyaman berobat ke rumah aakit sultan agung. Tempat parkirnya juga rapi jadi gak perlu bete menghadapi parkir yang gak teratur karena disini rapi parkirannya.
Aris Kristianto (28/06/2019 06:13)
Good hospital with a good facilities
Dini Masak (26/04/2019 09:44)
Their employee have better hospitality than other hospital
Nur Afif (08/02/2019 06:20)
Rumah sakitnya bersih dan besar pelayanan ramah banget ok lah
Sofian Agust Pradana (27/09/2018 04:30)
Rumah Sakit Islam Gigi dan Mulut Sultan Agung, New look of Islamic Dentist Hospital
Ansyari Adytia Putra (27/08/2018 06:45)
RS nya besar dan bersih cuman agak jauh dari kota menuju perbatasan Semarang-Demak
A Glenn (30/06/2018 05:53)
Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital is one of the hospital that located and being well-known in Semarang. The location is strategic because located beside the National Road that connected Semarang and Surabaya. It is also can be easily accessed by public transportation such as Trans Semarang, angkot (to Pasar Johar), or even intercity buses (from Jakarta and Surabaya). The building is huge, so it would be easy to find. The service of this hospital is good based on Sharia (Syari'ah), also being equipped by good quality medical supplies.
Mas Mudi / Munna_Grafika (24/10/2016 14:33)
AmYu Sulistyo (14/09/2016 11:59)
The nice hospital with complete tools and Tayamum box for muslim patient.
Dian M Prima (21/04/2016 12:24)
My dad was hospitalized in February 2016. We chose this hospital because it is the nearest one. You know what, i am impressed how the way they treat the patient who is my dad.
Now my dad getting better, hopefuly he shines like before. Thanks Sultan Agung hospital and staff..