Komentar :
Ahmad Jakfar (29/12/2017 02:44)
A Glenn (14/07/2017 14:27)
One of historical building in Semarang, but the building is not as old as The Old Town. The place is near the well known Berok Bridge and Kilometer Zero of Semarang. The architecture of this building is quite simple. The place is easily reached by public transportation as Trans Semarang go through this place.
tabuty cs (09/07/2017 14:22)
I love it
Yuche Yahya Sukaca (27/02/2017 03:26)
The toilet needs more cleaning.
Buddy Hardgoods (14/06/2016 18:08)
Historis building and old memoir
AG (14/07/2017 14:27)
One of historical building in Semarang, but the building is not as old as The Old Town. The place is near the well known Berok Bridge and Kilometer Zero of Semarang. The architecture of this building is quite simple. The place is easily reached by public transportation as Trans Semarang go through this place.
KANG SUPRA (22/04/2017 03:58)
Deket kali mbrerok..
Akses mudah dijangkau...
Parkir cukup luas...
Termasuk bangunan kuno..
Falas Dian (21/03/2017 01:59)
Gedungnya unik
suhiman rasmad (26/05/2016 03:59)
Anindita Dwi Kurniasari (12/04/2016 15:20)
Like it
Yuli Imam Ma'arif (21/06/2016 21:06)
Cantik gedungnya
Hadza Lia (29/04/2016 01:20)
Tempat yg humanis
Andika Endriyanto (28/03/2016 00:30)
gedung milik kementerian keuangan yang terletak di depan titik nol kota semarang.