Komentar :
Dewi Saraswati (30/05/2018 00:59)
In term of facility need improvement, interm of harga reasonable lahh...
Teni Bintara (06/04/2018 05:07)
Good service, make my mind and body soo relax and the price is balance with the service. Worth to try for working single mom and everybody else! 😙
dina martia (04/04/2018 02:46)
Nice place to relax with great service, yet medium price
Prisma Gita (15/10/2017 04:23)
Homy and affordable with skilled and professional therapist. Women only spa.
Ratu Rosaline (07/09/2017 13:48)
Good place.. Peoples are humble and funny.. I recommended this place.. but I thought the air conditioner isn't cold enough
Saras Wati (06/07/2017 03:44)
Good spa and massage, the place is very peaceful. Just one time the therapist told me to rush cause the time for me was already over. Actually, I think it's the therapist responsibility to manage the time for the client, and not told the client to finish their treatment and dres up quickly. Other than that, I recomend this place
rossiana annisa (03/08/2017 03:51)
Good place to relax with massages. And the music is relaxing too.
Asih Widi Harini (07/07/2017 08:44)
Love this place. So cozy and cheap 😊
Nurfika Wijayanti (03/06/2017 10:30)
The massage service was great. The manicure and pedicure was not what i expected
Sisilia Sesy (23/04/2017 22:09)
It's cozy place and comfortable spa with reasonable price
Dyah Kusumawardhani (26/03/2017 01:12)
Tempatnya nyaman, terapisnya ramah..Cus servicenya jg ramah. Reservasi mudah.
Pas kesana bertiga dgn sahabat ada paket spa murah bertiga. Enak bgt pijatannya, sambil ngrumpi cantik..😁
Pulang badan rileks
Inna Alamsyah (07/03/2017 07:35)
Bersih, nyaman & tenang. Good to have a relax moment here.
吉田沙織 (23/02/2017 14:04)
manar sutisna (21/02/2017 13:48)
Good treatment, not so good message
AYVLOG Arifiya Ayu (23/01/2017 11:52)
Bagus bgt buat mahasiswa rekomended bgt coba yaa tiap selasa gais
upik Pujiati (17/11/2016 04:10)
Home Spa murah dan menyenangkan. Terapisnya baik dan ramah, paling suka aroma jasmine kalau massage, ada musik 2 Jawa yg menenangkan. relax sekali
Dolly Pasha (01/10/2016 07:41)
Payah. Udah cape-cape ke sini, taunya buat cewek. Kasih tau dong ! Bikin kesal aja !
esti fifa (20/08/2016 01:02)
Home spa ternyaman ditengah kota semarang
Very rekomended
irine KAMIHARJA (18/06/2016 02:46)
Mba2nya baik2, resepsionisnya ramah, pelayanannya memuaskan, sayang sekali yg di sompok pindah ke pleburan jadi ga bisa sering2 kesana, jadi agak jauh. Sukses selalu buat Aluna.