Komentar :
Khoirul Mujahidin (25/05/2018 00:35)
Bagus luas
suradi adi (13/04/2018 19:23)
ahamadsyafiq 19 (07/04/2018 13:37)
Tempat futsalnya mulai rusak butuh renovasi
Bangket Hawker (29/03/2018 11:53)
martin setyawan (23/01/2018 17:01)
Perlu ditingkatkan untuk kebersihan baik fasilitas maupun lapangan, lampu2 juga harus segera diganti supaya kembali terang
Joseph Armstrong (07/09/2017 01:11)
The basketball gym is nice. There's places near by to eat after playing or working out. Could use some fix up here and there but over all its nice.
Karisma Pratama (11/12/2016 14:57)
Serves basketball and futsal field with affordable price
Kukuh Pambuka Putra (14/09/2017 01:32)
Alatnya lumayan, tapi sayangnya tempatnya kecil.
BAGAS SAPUTRA (28/03/2017 10:46)
Tempatnya cukup luas dan fasilitas lengkap
M. Nasikhun Amin (01/02/2017 07:24)
Toko Perlengkapan Olahraga
heri kurniawan (26/01/2017 07:56)
Afrilian Budi Pacsindra (05/01/2017 05:20)
Tempat olahraga
Dimas Putra (19/10/2016 15:49)
Standar nasional