Komentar :
Ady Sanjaya (10/06/2018 08:32)
Sering pakai mobil disini. Bisa dibawa sendiri mobilnya.
anjay Tuyul (10/06/2018 08:30)
Bintang 5. Bagus dalam pelayanan. Fast respons.
joko susanto (10/06/2018 08:28)
Saya kira ini salah satu tempat rental terbaik di kota salatiga.
Driver ramah,terutama mobil bersih,nyaman dan banyak pilihan.
Sangat direkomendasikan..sukses selalu..
arif yuniar (03/05/2018 14:39)
Good service
Naftalli S (10/07/2017 10:51)
Friendly driver, good service and quick response when you need a rent car immediately. Get a try when you come to Salatiga.
syamsul bahri (15/04/2017 10:50)
I found their website and wanted to explore Salatiga on wheel. Tried to contact them and i like their quick response. Their rental units are clean, new and well-mantain. Thank you very much for making my trip in Salatiga so memorable. Will be using their units again next time for sure! Highly recommended. 😊
Wawan Setiawan (03/04/2017 04:18)
harga murah,dan pelayanan maksimal..
mobil bersih terawat.
Aan Klik (02/03/2017 12:13)
Lokasi dekat dr hotel laras asri. Pemesanan mobil cepat.
Dimas Satria W (22/02/2017 05:15)
Siang, saya rencana mau sewa mobil ke jogjakarta pakai avanza kira2 brp ya? termasuk driver + bbm nya.
Joe Hesky (06/12/2016 00:30)
When i was in Salatiga, i found this rent car by website..
Really fast respons.. 2days we hire car,last day drop off to the airport Semarang at 4.00 am..
The driver good in english and good manner also know many things about the city tour and etc.
We suggestion to all of you when u come in to Salatiga.
ruris kun (31/05/2015 02:34)