Komentar :
Herry Pranoto (22/05/2018 07:04)
The food is not bad and the price, too. The place is comfortable.
Mungky Hendriyono (28/04/2018 13:45)
Cozy place for dinner and party....
Omega Purnomo (14/02/2018 01:45)
The milk is great
Agustia Sedyawati (23/01/2018 06:11)
love that greentea milk~
Bernice Christabel (06/01/2018 06:51)
Good place to hang out and have some milk and snacks
Febrian Imanda Effendy (26/12/2017 14:06)
Good place for have a chit chat with good music and cozy place, but when i was on there most of menu already sold out which makes us confused to choose the food.
Aditya Setyawan (04/04/2017 15:09)
Good milk, bihun sapi is the best !
Nurul Floriyanti (11/07/2017 13:23)
Nice place to hang out
aria pranoto (21/06/2017 11:18)
Good food
Galuh Restu Putri (13/06/2017 06:26)
Nice place to hang out and drink some milk
habibi habibi (22/03/2017 08:47)
rumah makan spesial olahan susu sapi segar
isywara puraya (15/01/2017 13:08)
Menu macam2. Sucam, susu campur jg banyak macam , tapi terlalu manis. Mending gulanya dipisah! Tempat jg asyik, ada beberapa pilihan. Cocok untuk yg berjiwa mudA. Harga sebanding dengan porsi kecilnya.
Pandu Setyo Nugroho (08/01/2017 09:04)
Rudangta Arianti (25/12/2016 07:17)
Makanannya ada yang enak, ada yang biasa saja
AG (19/07/2016 11:03)
Suka banget, susunya segar, makanannya enak.