Komentar :
Kempo Hardyan (15/01/2018 07:42)
Come here with nothing than pay the food you got run out starving
kasane renn (14/09/2017 11:09)
You can take rice and iced tea all you want
Irwin Rizky (13/07/2017 17:21)
This place has a good quality.
Stefanus Roy (25/06/2017 01:16)
Good choice for budget meal
Andika Pangalila (23/05/2017 05:34)
Good Quality, Good Price, Good Service, Good Place.
Eko Wahyudi (17/07/2017 04:44)
Makan dan minum nasi bisa nambah sepuasmu tanpa biaya tambahan Guys, coocook buat anak kost
Amir Iyanto (30/05/2017 09:12)
Enak murah