Komentar :
aditz network (05/04/2018 23:26)
Sujatyoko Utomo (01/03/2018 12:51)
Favourite shopping place
Agustin Putri (06/02/2018 11:54)
Good place for shopping in Probolinggo
wawan Holic (04/02/2018 03:59)
nice place. recomended
Ch Henny Wulandari (28/09/2017 15:27)
I like shop at GM dept store because it's clean and comfortable
Sulis Candra (29/06/2017 16:02)
One stop shopping. It's not a mall though.
Dani Kusbandono (08/10/2017 14:44)
good place for shopping
Riedha Asharry (18/08/2017 04:27)
Ferdinand S. (27/06/2017 05:31)
Nice supermarket, wide parking area...
Argha Patria Perdhana (27/06/2017 00:09)
Big store...but too expensive
Samsul Arifin (18/06/2017 15:21)
Ridlo Dwi Susanto (11/03/2017 01:19)
Unique place to spend your money
Dian Purnamasari (25/01/2017 00:38)
Nice supermart
Faji Pras (31/12/2016 12:02)
Departement store yang murah dan lengkap sekali. Ada tempat bermain untuk anak juga. Tempat fast food CFC disini juga tersedia. Untuk tempat parkir sangat luas
Kevin Kiddy Hahuly (16/11/2016 23:58)
Grocery store that really crowded and difficult to find car park near it
Ansar Daeng Moke (25/10/2016 13:50)
Good shopping place
duvin uncut (04/08/2016 05:28)
It's complete
lukman luckyday (19/08/2016 02:59)
Lumayan lengkap
Arya Cahya (02/07/2016 06:53)
Seneng sekali
Andy Santoso (28/06/2016 14:54)
Nuruddin Kamil (15/02/2016 16:26)
Tempat perbelanjaan termurah setelah Sinar Terang ditutup.
Semua dijual disini, mulai dari barang sehari-hari, baju, tas, sampe Mobil. Di tempat ini juga ada tempat makannya
Minus nya cuman lahan parkir yg kurang luas.