Komentar :
Khalida in Borneo (01/02/2020 11:31)
Richards Place is a fantastic place to stay in Pontianak. The rooms are clean and tidy, the bathroom is of high standard and the restaurant serves delicious meals.
Being of Australian background I've stayed in many hotels in Indonesia and this one is truly great value for money. It doesn't have the glitz of some hotel's but it's good old fashioned service and a very pleasant experience.
Bless Barry (09/01/2020 02:24)
Nice and clean budget hotel. Great service
Yudhistira Satya Pribadi (13/12/2019 03:33)
I think this is one of the best cheap hotel you can find in Pontianak
Located very strategic near Ayani mall, you just have to walk less than 5 minutes. Also, this place offers a clean and comfort room for a very reasonable price, plus a breakfast!
Stephany Efflina (16/09/2019 15:52)
The twin bed room is quite big, the bed matress is spacey and comfy. The price for the twin bed room is Rp 300.000 per night. We also get amenities and it is include breakfast. The breakfast starts at 7 AM.
Arga Wedha (28/07/2019 01:39)
Good hotel with good food for the right price. No elevator but good service and condition
DSLR DSLR (28/07/2019 07:08)
Nice place to rest in Pontianak.
Affordable price. Near mall and another attractive place in Pontianak.
Allan Sullivano Mutter (16/06/2019 02:41)
Reasonable price and very comfort
Amir Maulana (04/04/2019 08:07)
nice and cheap
hartan xia (13/01/2019 11:17)
Nice homestay
Sujud Mutiara Fadlilah (27/08/2018 04:27)
Cheap and comfy
felix hutagaol (16/06/2018 03:52)
Comfort place to stay
Iman Fahruji (06/05/2018 13:19)
Budget and budget....reasonable place for short time with your little family...optional room with breakfast or without breakfast...overall I'm satisfied..
anggit budi haryono (30/12/2018 00:22)
Tempat nyaman utk sesuai budget nya.. Walaupun tdk di pinggir jln besar, tp dekat bgt dgn keramaian.. Tinggal jalan kaki saja ke A. Yani Mall
Mr. Sariman (30/09/2018 01:16)
Home sweet home
Arul Aruel (27/02/2018 13:17)
Penginapan baru nih, lumayan ga jauh dr mega mall...
Budget hotel yg bersih, makanan di sini juga terjangkau... lokasi agak masuk ke dalam gang tapi bisa di lewati mobil dan bus kecil..
Red Blossom (04/02/2018 11:43)
Sangat tenang,bersih,nyaman, cocok untuk keluarga, tempat parkir luas dan terlindung dari panas selain itu jarak ke mega mall cuma 5 menit lewat jembatan penyeberangan 😊
Taufik A Budiono (15/01/2018 07:29)
Menginap 3 hari bersama keluarga di seluruh lantai 2, ruangan bersih, makanan resto enak, suasana tenang & ramah, semoga semakin ramai & disukai, WiFi agar ditingkatkan....
Fauzi Amrulloh (01/01/2018 04:40)
Comfortable,humble and enjoy place....
Fransiskus Alexander (10/12/2017 22:19)
Bayu Pinama (10/10/2017 14:59)
Penginapan baru,ada tmpt makan yg instagramable bgt,tp kyknya blm ada mesin genset,krn pas mati lampu ya ada bunyi genset.
Pelayanan cukup baik,tp utk yg single bed masa penuh mulu
Willy Hoo (15/09/2017 13:12)
Penginapan baru
Budi Syahputra (24/08/2017 03:45)
Tempat ok .murah terjangkaubersih.
Dimas E. Priyambodo (23/08/2017 03:58)
Harga sangat terjangkau, ukuran kamar kecil tapi sangat bersih.. Luarbiasa..
Herimeng Chow (28/06/2017 04:59)
Nyaman dan terjangkau