Komentar :
Loren Sempurna (13/03/2018 00:20)
keren"baju nya pengen online dan online lagi
Ito Enok (24/02/2018 13:35)
Tomy Akshay R. (02/07/2017 12:13)
Satu-satunya store yang ready baju anak keras ori di kalbar
Agusta Medio (15/04/2017 12:37)
Good store, and it sell a lot of authentic local merchandise such as t-shirt, long sleeves tshirt, shirt, shoes, socks and etc.
Habil Ghibran (27/10/2016 22:07)
good store
galih giarto (05/02/2017 07:50)
harga baju rapper berape
Servicecell Network (03/09/2016 12:09)
Bajunya bagus bagus semua cocok untuk santai.
Rini Rini (30/05/2016 14:28)
Ikhwan Fahreza (24/02/2016 11:11)
Seru buat santai, bajunya bagus" (y)
Yu Di (20/12/2015 07:44)
Maulana Safrizal (19/07/2015 21:48)
Sering order d sini 👍