Komentar :
Danny Jubel (11/05/2018 00:06)
Mantap punya ini, kopi dan roti jg mantap.
Josua David Purba David (03/05/2018 09:45)
The best
Commodities Trading (12/03/2018 02:48)
Great Quality of Coffee
Flym Sulaiman (16/12/2017 09:29)
Best coffee in town
Alwyn Samuel (14/08/2017 13:09)
They are not just selling coffees. They're selling history!
Elizabeth Tanzania (27/07/2017 22:55)
Old town taste coffee. Must try
Jan Hery (08/04/2017 15:25)
A good old fashion taste coffee
Andi Siswanto (27/08/2017 12:03)
Pusatnya kedai kok thong di kota pematang Siantar... Tiap hari gk pernah sepi...
Novrianto Sihite (16/07/2017 19:36)
Legend old timers
Domu Haloho (15/02/2017 10:24)
Seteguk kopi ini berasa bgt di tenggorokan..buat yg asam lmbng jgn coba2 minum klo perut kosong
Evan M (15/06/2016 19:13)
Kopinya Enak.. Kangen siantar