Komentar :
septiawan anwar (17/05/2018 07:42)
Tempat yang sangat cocok untuk ngobrol santai hehe, untuk meeting juga bisa, menu lengkap untuk harga sih menurut saya sedikit lebih mahal, kalau kesini saya sarankan hari rabu malam biasanya ada live music hehe
Roy Kuling (12/05/2018 13:34)
Cheap and cozy
Sofin Faiz (12/04/2018 10:23)
Tempat nongkrong yg asik...
Thomas T.A.Candra (23/03/2018 07:01)
A coffee roastery that don’t know about what they sell.
Despite their professional looks and nice espresso and roasting machine this famous roastery are such a newbie since they really clueless about their own merchandise.
When I’m bought their beans and asked the tasting notes, they literally simply give me the beans and said: go ahead and taste it yourself, our roaster are not available and not giving any informations about the beans. And not talking they selling single origin coffee too.
And before that I visiting this place more than 5 times in a row and they said they didn’t have any beans to sell due to the broken machine and the roaster are absent. Simply disappointing.
Ainul Hinan (09/02/2018 16:07)
Cafe ko banyak nyamuk
zen nuri (13/12/2017 22:41)
Tempat ngopi yang cukup asik. Ada live musik pada hari tertentu
noviaji wibisono (24/11/2017 18:20)
Suasana asik. Kuliner enak. Dan tentu saja, kopinya bervariasi baik asal biji maupun penyajiannya.
Rischa Cha (21/10/2017 13:07)
Pesen nasi goreng gak pedes tapi datengnya pedezs..katanya bumbu nasgor nya sudah paten jadi gak bisa req TIDAK PEDAS. cafe apaan?? Mending nasgor grobag bisa melayani permintaan gak pedes ato pedes banget..not recomended 👎
Gempar Tri Asmara (09/08/2017 02:21)
Tempatnya enak
Ano Sajid (21/05/2017 12:39)
ngopi doeloe