Komentar :
Gocar Ferdian (12/06/2020 04:40)
Muchammad Daniyal Kautsar (10/03/2020 15:16)
Really nice
Taufiq Abbas (10/03/2020 09:08)
For me, the steak was good enough, not bad at all. It just about taste I thought, because my friend told me that the sauce was not so good compared to the other place while my wife said that the sauce was better than other place with higher price.
I recommend this place for you who wanna eat a tasty steak with low budget, just don't expect something bombastic, just enjoy your meal, dude~
Rizky Nurokhman (21/12/2019 13:18)
Very recommended for the price
Zii Roo (17/11/2019 14:36)
Good job bro
Ekky Sanyotho (26/09/2019 12:59)
Emil steak is probably one of best eatery that provide tasty grilled ribs, not to mention it is the only menu I will recommend to people. Take your time, enjoy your meal, grab a drink or two, chat with your friend, this place is somewhat cozy. 4 star from me.
Sigit De Javu (31/10/2019 03:17)
Anjar Saputra (30/08/2019 05:58)
Price is equal to value
Luky Nasrul (10/08/2019 12:46)
Edy Chumaidi (17/06/2019 02:07)
Strategis...rame..enak.. kegemaran smua kalangan...
Abcd Abcd (27/05/2019 05:20)
Dekat dan smp sore msh rame jd gak perlu ke kota
miftah mip (24/05/2019 21:32)
decent, kalo untuk makan 2 orang tempat nya kurang sesuai
Laelatun Nadifah (18/04/2019 14:37)
Tempat favorit sejak jaman masih sempit sekarang udah ramai dan tambah luas
Nur Lailatul fajri (14/01/2019 11:47)
Dua kali k sini. Enak smua. Tiga kali k sini sm suami eh esok nya lgsg dah gue tepar. Gegara ga enak steak nya. Agak gosong alot. Maaf ya. Mhn dprbaiki. Mgkn kbtuln ps itu hbs lebaran jd kondisi makann krg prsiapn krna ramai
Mega Aida Fitriana (26/02/2018 08:37)
Tidak terlalu ramai, waktu tunggu lumayan lama. Makanannya cukup enak, bersih, harga terjangkau.
billy Yahya (03/02/2018 17:51)
Recomended....harga pas...rasa enak
Andrijanni Souhuwat (24/01/2018 04:38)
Harga muraahh....rasa uenak...nyaman..
Nur Khikmah (20/10/2017 04:50)
thanks banget nih diajakin kuliner di tempat inih sama temen seperjuangan amplop cokelat jadi semangat duakali plus lidah yang lagi sariawan berani pedas deh ,yummy dah poko nya👌
Dicky Satria (03/08/2017 04:01)
Iga bakar dan sup iganya enak..tp menu lainnya kurang mantapp..
Kalo penyuka iga..cocoklah