Komentar :
Budi Jambi (30/04/2018 13:35)
Swalayan di tengah kota Payakumbuh
Hengki Nofiendri (03/02/2018 15:45)
Swalayan murah cukup lengkap
Teddy Aurora (03/01/2018 13:02)
Swalayan pertama di Payakumbuh
Reyzha wikki Zaninshi (04/12/2017 10:41)
Even though this city already has the bigger supermarket, i have been shopping to this store since 15 years ago. And i still go to this store since the price is quite cheaper.
Ricky Zivanovic (04/12/2017 08:13)
Pelayanan maksimal
Nadya Dewailham (11/08/2017 11:09)
Belanja murah
Budy Ragiell (23/12/2014 18:02)