Komentar :
Rheyza Pradana (07/12/2017 11:38)
fauzan alfuqori (28/10/2017 13:27)
Dekorasi lumayan, tapi untuk kebersihan sangat kotor, dan pelayanan lamban
Rahmadani Nur (05/09/2017 06:23)
Tempat asik buat nongkrong sambil belajar atau belajar sambil nongkrong
Abdul Qahar Al Asri (29/08/2017 10:26)
Cafe yang nyaman sekaligus menjadi tempat menimba ilmu bahasa Inggris secara premium.
Edi Utomo Putra (23/02/2017 06:11)
Well it is a good place to take some coffee but don't go here early in my case they can't serve cappuccino for me because they said there is not enough electricity to power the machine 😢
Rhevhar Ferrari234 (07/12/2017 11:38)
Mumu Gerald (10/02/2017 15:22)
Tempatny bagus, trus WIFIny bikin kenyang
Inho Branchmanager (05/01/2017 00:17)
Tempat nongkrong beredukasi
Indra Aufansyah (24/12/2016 13:42)