Komentar :
Ayah Abay (22/04/2018 06:06)
Small shopping center mainly lived up by Hypermart shop, Matahari dept store, Sport Station and KFC. Just recently there is movie theater opened, pretty good theater just like the XXI in big cities only with smaller space yet better for immersive movie experience
Marsadi Ikbal (06/03/2018 00:09)
Beautyfull shoping mall in palopo
youtubers kampung (03/02/2018 01:20)
Big market
Andi Jaya Jaya (29/11/2017 07:49)
Panji Ismail Akbar (16/11/2017 02:15)
It's a good place to have some stuff here
azam saifullah (28/08/2017 14:04)
Quite good, i heard a new movie theater recently opened...
Mading Gie (16/12/2017 12:28)
Lumayanlah buat belanja
Syahrir Syah (22/08/2017 09:45)
Nice place...
Putu Adi (24/06/2017 12:22)
Near my place, cheap and complete.
syamsurifeten maliki (28/05/2017 07:50)
Everyday shopping
Zenal Muslikhun (23/05/2017 08:29)
Ada matahari Dept store, ada bioskop...
Azis Pardia (15/03/2017 08:11)
Satu² mall di palopo, mudah²an kedepannya bisa ada studio XXI jd klo mau nonton box office ga perlu lg ke mks
Darwis Konguasa (21/02/2017 00:06)
Tempat berbelanja yang lengkap di palopo, mulai dari Matahari department store sampai Hypermart dan juga nyaman untuk menjadi pilihan buat nongkrong dan wisata kuliner
Jordy Andreas (01/10/2016 00:09)
Nice market place
Imamah Khairunnisa (11/06/2016 05:18)
first of shopping center at Palopo City, come and enjoy all the facilities.
Appy Rafly (09/07/2015 01:17)
Genta kaliba (13/10/2016 05:42)
Ini adalah pusat perbelanjaan yang menurut saya sangat berguna dan sangat lengkap
Jordy A.K.A Kashiwazaki Kazuto (01/10/2016 00:09)
Nice market place
ronat chandra (22/08/2016 19:22)
Salah satu dr icon kota palopo yang pasti mejadi tujuan jika ke kota palopo
Andi Muhammad Nurtanio Nurtanio (04/08/2016 17:31)
Muhammad Yulihadi (02/08/2016 05:55)
keberadaan supermarket di kota kecil seperti Palopo ini sangat membantu kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari terutama bagi warga pendatang seperti kami.