Komentar :
Pipit Ephy (14/05/2019 07:31)
Its verry nice
Rio Aditya (17/04/2019 11:48)
I go to Giant Plaju again today. There are many people who come to this place today. Maybe, it is because it is a holiday today. Come to Giant Plaju, guys...
Natasha Fitri Nasution (09/03/2019 04:48)
Good place for better price than bigger mart. Its convenient bcz its close to many other vicinity
Ibrahim Kamil (25/11/2018 15:13)
Fruits is cheap enough & fresh, near trans musi halte, near mosque...
Zeus S (30/08/2018 07:55)
Good size supermarket with a large variety of items. Not much else happening in the centre where it’s based though with a few shops and food outlets.
arif nopransyah (08/10/2018 10:04)
Rizela giant plju
Muhammad Aldy Pangestu (01/09/2018 09:10)
Kalla hadzil ard mataqfii masahah
Lau na’isibila samahah
Wanta’ayasna bihab
Lau tadiqil ardi naskan kalla kolb
Kalla hadzil ard mataqfii masahah
Lau na’isibila samahah
Wanta’ayasna bihab
Lau tadiqil ardi naskan kalla kolb
Abtahiyyat wabsalam
Ansyuru ahlal kalam jainuddin yahtirom
Abmahabbat wabtisam
Ansyuru bainil anam hadahu din assalam
Hmmmm… Hmmmm… Hmmmm…
Dinesh Sirisena (30/08/2018 07:55)
Good size supermarket with a large variety of items. Not much else happening in the centre where it’s based though with a few shops and food outlets.
Aminudin Aziz (26/05/2018 15:40)
Nanak Suwarna (25/05/2018 06:12)
Dzakky Adhwa (24/05/2018 07:55)
Recomended plaza dept store
Muhammad Darmawan (23/05/2018 09:39)
e ee aa
Azzahra Nanda Islami (10/05/2018 13:17)
Good place.. doesn't have much entertainment tho
Muhammad Fadil (05/05/2018 13:40)
Muji palembang (29/04/2018 02:35)
Best place
seprans ridhuan (03/03/2018 03:05)
gumulya kusuma (17/02/2018 09:19)
Ninja 250 FI Z 250 (16/02/2018 16:30)
Enough for buying foods & household in small scale
Zaky CooL (24/01/2018 04:07)
Good place for shopping.
Nana Suyanto (27/10/2017 13:56)
Such a good idea to shop for you
Prast Herry (10/12/2017 03:42)
Not well arranged place
Uchin Alaydrus (08/11/2017 07:30)
Easy to cacth
Zaini Nasqaputra (19/10/2017 10:28)
Good for shoping
dendy afriyandi (03/10/2017 04:28)
Akses jalan menuju lokasi kecil, sehingga rawan kemacetan.
Ronie wt (19/09/2017 07:29)
Good place for shopping
Dimas Wigoena (01/09/2017 05:26)
Dira Meisyofka (24/08/2017 01:05)
Quite long queue over the weekend since they only open 3-4 cashier counters
Edi Pono (13/08/2017 07:06)
Edo Shiva (03/07/2017 11:39)
Good service
Mirza Qoyum (25/06/2017 11:23)
Ali Akbarul Falah (22/05/2017 13:11)
Lengkap enak berbelanja
ARINI A.IRWAN (28/04/2017 13:49)
yudhisanda akbar (08/04/2017 13:56)
Near my place
irene Napitupulu (07/04/2017 00:51)
Near to my home
Gojek Driver (20/03/2017 01:07)
Ahmad Adriansyah (16/03/2017 01:42)
Lumayan buat belanja jangan lupa cek struk di informasi. Kali ajah dapet hadiah hehehe... , tapi permainan buat anak2 gak asik.
reny wulandari (12/03/2017 00:57)
Akses kesini mudah karena lokasi berada di pinggir jalan. Barang yg dijual pun lengkap seperti kebutuhan sehari hari sampai furnitur rumah. Datanglah pada akhir pekan karna ada potongan harga khusus pada hari tersebut. Bangunan ini hanya satu lantai namun luas, sehingga tidak perlu naik turun tangga untuk berkeliling.
Roy Saripandang (12/07/2016 13:43)
adi imel (10/05/2016 11:49)
One stop shopping
intan dhyaksari (22/11/2016 18:21)
Sbnrnya bagus cuman sepi.. kalah saing sama JM.. tempat parkir enak dan gratis
Catur Reza (30/07/2016 10:18)
tempatnya nyaman... tapi menurut saya lebih lengkap atw lebih murah hypermart atw carefour
Harry Radinka (02/07/2016 22:09)
Lumayanlah, kalau buat skedar belanja keperluan sehari hari.
Muhammad Dhuffan Putra Dias (01/07/2016 06:17)
Bertus Silaen (23/06/2016 19:22)
Ini tempat belanja kebutuhan rumah tangga dgn harga termurah
muhammad irfan (08/06/2016 06:15)
Replika Giant CBD Bintaro