Komentar :
Andrew Soan (17/06/2019 22:21)
I like all the the snacks and cakes they have here. They are nice!
Aqni Alfi (08/03/2019 10:01)
Kedai Serabi. This place has the main menu serabi with many varians which is "Serabi Susu Coklat" and the beverage "Blue Ocean" has good tasted. It has 2 layers at one drink. If you are guys like reading. Don't worry!! This cafe has a small library with many books. And of course this place has so many spot that's really instagramable to update your pictures on instagram.
Miftahul Khair (24/12/2018 10:04)
Nice place to have coffee and unique local snack
Hyejin was the definition of very kind kid (23/11/2018 08:29)
Not so far from heart of Palangka City, pretty quiet place, good design / instagramable, good for chit chat. Bit disappointed cause they dont have traditional oncom flavor serabi.
Sugiharto Sugiharto (26/10/2018 10:54)
Good coffee. Enviroment like home. Nice place to hangout.
paulus sopamena (19/05/2018 09:03)
Bagus buat nongkrong, bersama keluarga dan tenan, sambil menikmati makanan serabi san minunan segar.
Abdul Gafur (12/05/2018 11:53)
suasana mantep , makanannya enak dan pastinya rekomemded lah untuk bareng pasangan / keluarga (sendirian juga bisa 😅😅)
Riri Bunu (10/05/2018 01:51)
Tempat nyantai n ngobrol yg asik dg menikmati serabi yg enk dan pasti murah bersih
Kornelius Agustinus (11/04/2018 11:46)
Serabinya enak, coklat panasnya jg. Design cafe nya minimalis, cool !
dorothea sthallhani jasi (20/03/2018 05:58)
Enak buat nyantai, menikmati waktu, sy suka nongkrong sendiri, dan ini menyenangkan.
Marsaulina Demiaty (17/03/2018 04:31)
Suasananya nyaman, harga terjangkau, kualitas baik dan rasa tidak diragukan...👍👍
Karlinah Soekarno (17/12/2017 08:47)
Cozy place for family
Johan Chen (14/10/2017 12:49)
Cosy cafe with music and nice quick bites.
Brian Endra Jaya (19/08/2017 12:58)
Erly cassie (16/08/2017 23:44)
Janga ketipu ya ini kedai bukan cafe (pengalaman pribadi deng) 😁 karna konsep'y kedai jadi gk luas" banget tempat'y. Kedai ini cocok buat yg mau sarapan kue sambil minum teh hangat pagi". Serabinya enak dan hangat.
ria mona (12/08/2017 14:54)
Ance Saidin (02/07/2017 22:16)
Yunathan Ir (12/05/2017 16:52)
Rasa Oke, suasana nyaman, pelayanan memuaskan... lanjutkan... maju terus dan terus