Komentar :
Hanifa Rahma (29/05/2018 02:27)
The closest place to buy fast food lol. And there are various other menus besides, chicken.
maghfirah rahima (07/05/2018 00:57)
Avelia Fairuz (21/04/2018 10:09)
İ love it. Alhamdulillah halal
Arnes Putra (19/04/2018 02:47)
Siti Fadhilah (15/03/2018 00:57)
It's a fast food restaurant with their main menu is fried chicken, I can taste the less msg in the chicken but my friend got an expired rice from them, thankfully she's not have diarrhea because of it.
Rudi-Arief Rangbukik (09/02/2018 10:23)
Sehat lezat dgn ayam organic
azis fadila (16/01/2018 14:34)
I like it
adam sutan indra (28/12/2016 14:43)
Healthy fried chicken
Rochmad Abdullah (04/07/2017 15:46)
Pas untuk ukuran mahasiswa n pelajar
hendri rafles (12/06/2017 17:19)
Makanan sehat
Nabib Laundry (16/05/2017 06:03)
Mantap nyaman
Defriadi Def (13/03/2017 14:34)
Salahsatu dari sedikit resto yang menyajikan makanan organik dan hallal di kota Padang.