Komentar :
Homar Rubert Distajo (30/04/2018 02:38)
Fresh flowers are available
Priscilla Dev (15/09/2017 09:27)
Great service! Albeit the language barrier, they did their best and it was arranged perfectly and delivery was fast! I was constantly updated on the process as well. Thank you, Nini and team!
rent room (29/08/2017 10:23)
very responsive and beautiful flower arrangement
Ramlee Tamin (09/08/2017 10:18)
The ground floor is occupied by Permata Inn.
The top floor is the location of flower house.
Currently (09.08.17) it is undergoing renovation.
Entrance to Permata Inn and Roemah Boenga Ester is the same.
Wilson Law (22/10/2016 06:46)
Fast service
budi darmawan (10/03/2012 13:05)
good price and services.
Imelda M M Simanungkalit (18/06/2017 20:03)
Strategic place
Ratna Dewi Hasibuan Dewi (30/03/2017 06:46)
Mbak minta no hp yg bisa di hubungi dong
Dolly Ramadhan (12/02/2017 15:08)
Bunga nya yg murah sekitar berapaaan ea mba
Sugeng Prabowo (06/02/2017 04:36)
Oh mbak disitu ada jual bunga asli juga kan?
Romeo Bastian (01/01/2017 14:59)
Mau nnya,,, klo kita pesan kira" bisa d anter gak??
Inesti Rudangta (29/11/2016 04:34)