Komentar :
Wazza 10 (19/04/2018 02:07)
Pelayanan cepat dan ramah hanya kurang lebar area parkir bagi pengguna mobil
Nasri Ati (14/01/2018 03:44)
zuari ginting (05/01/2018 01:55)
Disign interiornya bagus, sisitem pelayanannya modern dan karyawannya ramah.
Wilson Marbun (21/11/2017 09:41)
Ramah dan tertatah rapi prosedur kerja nya.
Mantap lah pokok nya
andy mps (12/09/2017 05:50)
Pelayanan cepat,ramah & profesional. Semua pegawai (satpam, CS, pegawai admin & lab)sepertinya punya motivasi untuk membantu melayani customer sebaik mungkin
Jovi (23/04/2017 07:36)
The best Laboratorium Center in Town. the building is big and modern also clean. the service is good. at all this Lab was impresive for patient either.
Review Zone (23/04/2017 07:36)
The best Laboratorium Center in Town. the building is big and modern also clean. the service is good. at all this Lab was impresive for patient either.