Komentar :
miss lya (23/05/2018 13:37)
Just like another taste of bandrek taste of spice and warm your tummy. Located at setia budi in front of GKPI and near this bandrek stall there are burger stall and sate stall. Sate taste quite yummy. Price affordable.
Yanri Tambunan (26/04/2018 06:22)
Bandreknya enak
Khumaira Nafis (13/04/2017 17:29)
Tempat nongkrong yg enak,nyaman . Minuman bandreknya hangat n segar buannget.. Dan yg paling penting harganya ga bikin kantong sobat sobek deh...
Suriyono Suriyono (04/03/2017 20:40)
Tempatnya nyantai.. cocok untuk tempat tongkrongan bersama kawan2.. kelen coba aja dulu