Komentar :
Wonder Women (17/05/2018 19:49)
Pincel Pincuk Restaurant is pecel typical of Nganjuk with sweet spicy tasty flavor so it is liked by everyone. Pecel is a healthy Indonesian traditional food in almost every region has a distinctive characteristics and taste pecel different. And all kinds of pecel have the equation of vegetables with peanut sauce. In the Pecel Pincuk restaurant you can choose the mist popular specialties of East Java traditional food, Rawon Iga with a delicious flavor.
Artim Gushadi (21/04/2018 12:30)
Mie kobernya mantap
Risky Nofiansyah (16/03/2018 06:13)
Bumbu pecel + rempeyek khas jawa
hendro eko (14/03/2018 22:31)
Nasi pecelnya pas...dengan peyek.sedap
Rustanto SIK (08/01/2018 01:19)