Komentar :
Rif'an (03/06/2018 12:25)
Jalan santai asyik. Pantai tidak terlalu bersih. Terdapat beberapa spot untuk foto seperti danau buatan dan juga pos atau joglo yang ada di atas danau. Sekitar sini banyak menjual minuman seperti kelapa atau makanan ringan. Sering juga dipakai untuk jogging ketika sore atau pagi hari. Di sebrang pintu masuk terdapat makam unik yang bisa dikunjungi untuk berziarah.
fitriyani Wansir (02/06/2018 10:25)
the beach is a bit dirty but the sunset view is something to die for.. even tho today is a bit cloudy but the sunset is still great.. the sand it self is not white so it looks dirtier.. some food stalls sell instant noodle and there are some gazebos for enjoying the view..
Aulina isva (19/04/2018 05:06)
I visited the beach because google reviews it as one of the best spots to view sunset. The pictures I saw on the internet were also grear. I went there in the afternoon when sun was about to set. so I thought it was the right time. But I stayed only few minutes there, the beach was far from beautiful. the entrance fee was very cheap only 5k/ pax.
some local people told me that it wasnt beautiful because it was too cloudy in that evening.well perhaps I should come again to witness the beauty of the beach as the internet shows
Adin Nugroho (18/04/2018 13:35)
Dekat kota.. bagus, hanya kebersihan kurang.
Lalu Muttakim (17/04/2018 12:45)
Pantai pasir hitam di pesisir kota mataram, tempatnya sudah ditata dengan baik oleh pemerintah tapi yang jadi masalah di pantainya adalah sampah yang menumpuk di semua sudut pantai.
Tapi untuk pemandangan sunrise dan sunsetnya memang luar biasa dengan background gunung agung..
Bagus Santana (01/04/2018 10:47)
Good view
Liyonnie ArDew (22/03/2018 05:00)
Too much trash at the beach, but have a good view to see sunset.
Silmi Wutsqo (13/03/2018 08:28)
Black sand. But good place for sunset.
Rama Adipitra (12/02/2018 10:05)
Place for jogging and to enjoy the beach with sunset
Putu Suardana (21/10/2017 22:26)
Erika Fitriana (27/02/2017 13:56)
Great view, but still not clean
Raditya Danendra (16/02/2017 04:04)
Keren Ombaknya Tenang Sama Ada Kerang Lho Kalo DiGali!
Putu Shanti Purnawan (19/01/2017 08:45)
pantainya bagus sayang kotor, banyak yang buang sampah sembarangan sayang sekali. banyak spt pemancingan, kadang bisa lihat burung berburu ikan
Rvstam Gebsy (28/12/2016 03:34)
Popular beach in Mataram
Agus supianto (16/12/2016 09:46)
Taufik Abidin (13/09/2016 14:38)
Nice place for relax
Risza Pearl Difia (30/07/2016 05:33)
Varra Siregar (23/06/2016 23:16)
Spot bagus buat joging dan sekedar jalan-jalan
Ncasvian Ahmad (27/01/2016 17:03)
Dulu pas masih kecil nggak sebagus ini
Tapi sekarang keren
Resrian Legowo (23/12/2015 11:12)
kayane apik