Komentar :
Did Mild (04/11/2020 07:22)
the doctor is nice to consult, friendly and sympathetic
hedibri gita (26/09/2020 09:57)
The doctor is not stingy with time for education. Because of the details, we as parents are like an exam in the room for related questions and answers that have been explained. Keep healthy, doctor.
arie rhamdlan (23/11/2019 13:36)
Mantaaaap dokternya
Fikhi Askar (06/07/2019 14:12)
my nephew has been there.
there is no reason to threat 12-Month-Old Baby like animal.
there is no hospitality even a little smile or greeting
Ananto Yusuf W (06/07/2019 13:43)
in my opinion, the doctor is not suitable for children since they handle my daughter rude way