Komentar :
Febri anto (17/05/2018 04:59)
Persada hospital sekarang menerima pasien jalur BPJS
Juli Permana (05/04/2018 06:58)
Pelayanannya sangat memuaskan, para perawat yang cantik, ramah & murah senyum penuh keikhlasan melayani pasien. Kondisi lingkungan yg bersih & terawat serasa di hotel bintang lima.
antonius thio (04/04/2018 01:18)
The hospital is clean and has excellent handling during registration and IGD. Just gave my ID and insurance card, and directly coordinate with doctors and room reservation needed.Persada Hospital has sufficient facilities to support doctors analysis. Food was ok, and good service from nurses.
Need an improvement, especially from the security when they need to help patient handling movements during insufficient nurse .
G S (28/03/2018 00:09)
Poor medic skill, poor communition.
Nency Handriani (11/03/2018 08:14)
Meskipun rumah sakit terlihat mewah tapi perawat kurang tanggap jika pasien butuh bantuan bahkan terkadang meja perawat jaga kosong.
Novita Kristanti (25/02/2018 05:56)
Pelayanan cepat dan staf nya ramah ramah. Benar benar pelayanan prima
Dayanka Vlog's (08/10/2017 16:15)
One of internasional hospital in malang
SAM FARID (11/07/2017 18:00)
untuk info bisa langsung tlp di persada hospital. 24jm